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Sustainable Digital Health Transformation

We support governments to develop the policies, systems and leadership required to facilitate and accelerate the sustained adoption of digital health interventions at scale.

We know that a supportive, enabling environment is key for the effectiveness, scale, and longevity of digital health interventions. This includes aligning key decision-makers around a common vision and updating national policies to reflect digital health priorities.

We develop costed operational plans and investment roadmaps to secure financial buy-in and we build skills of government partners in ICT, digital health implementation and data use. This helps to establish the right environment for digital health interventions to thrive and strengthen health systems, bringing us closer to achieving Universal Health Coverage.

Jamii ni Afya,

In Zanzibar, we have worked with the government to design, scale and institutionalize Jamii ni Afya, the national digital community health program. Some of our achievements so far include:

  • Facilitating an enabling policy environment through intensive support to the government in updating its Community Health Strategy and developing its first Digital Health Strategy.
  • Developing an operational plan and investment roadmap in collaboration with the government to establish a pathway to their financial ownership of Jamii ni Afya.
  • Improving the government’s capacity in digital health through secondment of technical experts to the Ministry of Health ICT department and focused capacity building. Through this training, mentorship, and co-implementation, district health teams now lead district-level program implementation, including CHV recruitment, training, and supervision.

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